# 第三节 LaTeX 基本介绍

# 视频相关说明

# 编译

  • 定义 latexmk 这一工具:

    "latex-workshop.latex.tools": [
        "name": "latexmk",
        "command": "latexmk",
        "args": [
          "-outdir=% OUTDIR%",
          "% DOC%"
        "env": {}
  • 定义整个工具链:

    "latex-workshop.latex.recipes": [
        "name": "latexmk",
        "tools": [

# 初步使用 LaTeX

  • LaTeX 初尝试:

    First document. This is a simple example, with no
    extra parameters or packages included.
  • 标题,作者和日期示例:

    \title{First document}
    \author{Hubert Farnsworth
    \thanks{funded by the Overleaf team}}
    \date{February 2017}
    We have now added a title, author and date to our first \LaTeX{} document!
  • 文本格式化命令:

    \begin{document} The universe is immense and it seems to be homogeneous, in a large scale, everywhere we look at.
    There's a picture of a galaxy above.
  • 添加图片示例:

    The universe is immense and it seems to be homogeneous, in a large scale, everywhere we look at.
    There's a picture of a galaxy above.
  • 图片添加标题,标签和参考示例:

      \caption{a nice plot}
    As you can see in the figure\ref{fig:mesh1}, the function grows near 0. Also, in the page\pageref{fig:mesh1} is the same example.
  • 表格示例:

      \begin{tabular}{c c c}
      cell1 & cell2 & cell3 \\
      cell4 & cell5 & cell6 \\
      cell7 & cell8 & cell9
  • 无序列表示例:

      \item The individual entries are indicated with a black dot, a so-called bullet.
      \item The text in the entries may be of any length.
  • 有序列表示例:

      \item This is the first entry in our list
      \item The list numbers increase with each entry we add
  • 添加数学公式示例:

    The mass-energy equivalence is described by the famous equation\[E=mc^2\] discovered in 1905 by Albert Einstein. In natural units ($c=1$), the formula expresses the identity
  • 论文摘要示例:

    This is a simple paragraph at the beginning of the document. A brief introduction about the main subject.
  • 换行示例:

    Now that we have written our abstract, we can begin writing our first paragraph.
    This line will start a second Paragraph.
  • 添加章节示例:

    This is the first section.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.  Etiam lobortisfacilisis sem.
    \section{Second Section}
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Etiam lobortis facilisissem.
    \subsection{First Subsection}
    Praesent imperdietmi nec ante. Donec ullamcorper, felis non sodales...
    \section*{Unnumbered Section}
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Etiam lobortis facilisissem
  • 添加目录示例:

    \title{Sections and Chapters}
    \author{Gubert Farnsworth}
    \section{Introduction} This is the first section.
    \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Unnumbered Section}
    \section*{Unnumbered Section} Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
    \section{Second Section} Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
  • Overleaf 官方文档